30 Mayıs 2010 Pazar
Lately, whether or not smoking should remain legal has been discussed all over the world. While opponents of smoking claim that smoking is risky for health especially for heavy smokers, it should remain legal for two main reasons. Firstly, smoking is a human right. People have the right to do whatever they want and one of the rights is smoking. Anyone puts pressure on that they can not smoke as humans who smoke are deprived of choosing freely. That is violation of human rights. Secondly, forbidding smoking attracts people's attention. According to reports, crime rates have increased due to finding illegal ways to buy a pack of cigarette. To illustrate, In USA at the big depression times people sold alcohol and cigarette at secret places and earned a lot of money illegally. Despite those strong arguments supporting this issue, the defenders who want that smoking should be illegal claim that smoking affects non-smokers negatively. The proponents of the issue have a point, but it is prevented by prohibiting smoking indoor. People cannot smoke some places such as hospital,school, business office. This protect not only smokers but also non-smokers' rights. To sum up, it is crucial that smoking should be legal due to human rights.
14 Mayıs 2010 Cuma

I and my roommates have been waiting this film for months- uh sorry waiting Robert Pattinson=) We have loved him since we read his books which he plays in leading role. We were influenced and went to the film ,which summarizes the books, as soon as they released. After we watched the films, we said that we should watch again:) And one day we saw that- Remember me's fragman- I do not know how many times we pushed the start button and watched again and again. We decided to go to this film together.
Three days ago was that time. We were excited when the light was turned off and we just watched it up to the end. In the end, we looked each other , said: ''Woww! Tyler cannot be a human!'' at the same time. Although the film is wonderful, it cannot compete with Tyler:)
The film tells that a rebellious young man -Tyler- who has a strained relationship with his father since tragedy separated their family. Tyler's brother suicided after he worked with their father because he was a musician but his father wanted to work near him. Therefore, he went into a tailspin and suicided. Tyler did not think anything except his sister after this event became. Love was the last thing on his mind until the day he met Ally. Her spirit inspires him and he begins to fall in love. Through their love, he begins to find meaning in his life. However, unexpected end was waiting their love.
The end of this film is surprising. We did not expect the end like that; in spite of everything, we were crying when the lights turned on. Tyler! Tyler! Why did Tyler smile delightfully=)=)
7 Mayıs 2010 Cuma
In a poor district near Lima a young man steps out of his home- a tiny house with a plastic roof. He looks up at the early morning sky. Another day with no sunshine. The weather has been terrible recently. He cannot remember the last time he saw the sun. Heavy grey clouds fill the sky and his heart feels cold with sadness. There is no sunshine when she's gone, he thinks. There is only darkness everyday and she has not called for so long. He wonders if she's gone for ever. He tries to imagine life without her. What if she stays over there in Madrid cleaning the houses of the rich?
He turns as he hears a noise; one of the children is waking up. They miss her so much. The house just is not a home without her. Everyday they ask him, 'When is mama coming home?' and what can he say? One day. Soon my baby. 'And why is not she here papa?' Why? Because they need the money, and there are no jobs, and over there she can earn in a day what you earn here in a month. It is not easy to feed five hungry children but it is not easy for them to live without their mother.
He sighs. Time to wake them up and get them ready for school.He knows many people who send their children to work, to wash cars or to beg, but she has always said that her children must get an education.
However, it is hard. He misses her too. He misses her smile,her voice, the songs she sings even when things look black. He knows she loves him. But why has not she called? Perhaps she has found someone else. He feels like crying, but he cannot. Not in front of the children.
A dog starts barking. He turns back to the house to start another day.
Suddenly, a ray of sunshine breaks through the clouds and lights up the doorway just as Veronica steps through the door. He feels the warm sun on his back. The little girl has just woken up and is rubbing sleep from her eyes. She looks so like her mother. She yawns and he hears her mother's voice. He hears his name, 'Nacho! Nacho! Is Veronica speaking? Behind him he hears footsteps. He turns round. The sun is too bright and he cannot see clearly. He puts his hand up to his eyes, and then thinks, 'I have not woken up! I am still dreaming!' But then Veronica shouts out, ' mama!' He knows that sometimes dreams come true..
He turns as he hears a noise; one of the children is waking up. They miss her so much. The house just is not a home without her. Everyday they ask him, 'When is mama coming home?' and what can he say? One day. Soon my baby. 'And why is not she here papa?' Why? Because they need the money, and there are no jobs, and over there she can earn in a day what you earn here in a month. It is not easy to feed five hungry children but it is not easy for them to live without their mother.
He sighs. Time to wake them up and get them ready for school.He knows many people who send their children to work, to wash cars or to beg, but she has always said that her children must get an education.
However, it is hard. He misses her too. He misses her smile,her voice, the songs she sings even when things look black. He knows she loves him. But why has not she called? Perhaps she has found someone else. He feels like crying, but he cannot. Not in front of the children.
A dog starts barking. He turns back to the house to start another day.
Suddenly, a ray of sunshine breaks through the clouds and lights up the doorway just as Veronica steps through the door. He feels the warm sun on his back. The little girl has just woken up and is rubbing sleep from her eyes. She looks so like her mother. She yawns and he hears her mother's voice. He hears his name, 'Nacho! Nacho! Is Veronica speaking? Behind him he hears footsteps. He turns round. The sun is too bright and he cannot see clearly. He puts his hand up to his eyes, and then thinks, 'I have not woken up! I am still dreaming!' But then Veronica shouts out, ' mama!' He knows that sometimes dreams come true..
1 Mayıs 2010 Cumartesi
The Bucket List

Bitter billionaire hospital magnate Edward and working class mechanic Carter meet in the hospital due to cancer. They have to share the same room because Edward's hospital admits of no exception giving a pr
ivate room for him. And then, they become friends and learn each other living. Carter has been married for forty five years with Virginia and has two sons; Edward has four divorces and a daughter who does not meet her father because she and her husband had to split up by him.

One day, Carter starts writing a bucket list and the next morning Edward finds it. While Carter was sleeping, he adds what he wants to do like skydiving. After Carter wakes up, they decide to do everything in their list before dying. Edward o
ffers to finance the trip and they start doing those - embarking on race car driving, skydiving, climbing the Pyramids, going on a lion safari in Africa- in short, they begin an around the world vacation.

In Hong Kong, Carter's wife calls Edward and she said that she wants her husband to come back home. Carter declines because he wants Edward and his daughter to meet. After Edward regrets it, Carter decide to return home. Meanwhile, the cancer has spread to Carter's brain. He is taken a hospital and Edward is called for this. When Carter goes into surgery, he insists Edward finish the list without him. Unfortunately, he dies on the operating and his ashes are brought to the top of the Himalayas as he wants.
Edward goes on completing their bucket list. He sees his daughter and meets his granddaughter he never knew. Edward crosses 'kiss the most beautiful girld in the world' off the list because he kisses the little girl on the cheek.

Edward wants Matthew to bring his ashes near Carter's ashes on the Himalayas. After he died, Matthew ascends the mountain and puts his ashes besides Carter. Therefore, he crosses off the list item on the bucket list: witness something truly majestic!
Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson created a wonderful film. After you watches the film, your life will be more meaningful. In the end, I did not choke back my tears. I really recommend this fantastic production.
27 Nisan 2010 Salı

This film is the story of the Bennet family in Georgian England around 1800. There is a class discrimination. Unfortunately Bennet family is not from the upper class. If Mr.
Bennet dies, their house will be inherited by Bennet girls' cousin -Mr. Collins-. Mrs. Bennet raises her five daughter with the aim of getting married with a rich husband so their family will be also richer than now. Therefore, Mrs. Bennet wants Elizabeth to get married with Mr. Collins. He proposes to Elizabeth but she rejects the proposal. Mrs Bennet is horrified that her daughter gums up the works her plans to be rich. However, Mr Bennet sides with Elizabeth.

Charles Bingley moves into near Bennet's estate and he causes great interest among the Bennets. He is wealthy and gentleman from London. Bennets think that he and his friedns are an opportunity for them. The oldest of daughters -Jane- likes Mr Bingley and Elizabeth is sure that Mr Bingley is also in love with Jane.

Later, Bingley prepares a ball to meet everyone who lives in there. At the public ball, party entire with dancing. While boy-crazy teenagers -Kitty and Lydia- dance with gentlemens, Jane and Elizabeth observe the dance. Elizabeth thinks that noone is attracted, noone catches her eye. However, Jane disagrees her. Suddenly, Elizabeth sees Mr. Darcy and likes very much him. Mr Darcy is Mr Bingley's the best friend and he is extremely wealthy. On the other hand, Mr Darcy does not expre
ss himself well and creates a bad impression on people and Elizabeth also. However, Mr Darcy also likes Elizabeth but he does not reveal his love.

One day, Mr Darcy takes away Mr Bingley to London because he thinks taht Jane is being together with Mr Bingley for only his wealth. On this event, Jane feels sory for going far of Mr Bingley. Elizabeth deems Mr Darcy responsible for this event and she judge him. After a while, whole truths are emerged and Elizabeth faces facts. What are the facts? Why does Elizabeth forgive him, her love? Will Jane and Mr Bingley be together again?
This film was nominated for 4 Oscars and 35 nominations. It won 10 award.
I think that it is very immortal love story. I feel that I live in their time and I want to stay there. Love which is a fantastic sensation was commented. When I was watching, I was filled with admiration. Pride and Prejudice is absolutely watched=)
18 Nisan 2010 Pazar
Kathleen Kelly own a little and small bookstore ''The Shop Around the Corner'' , which is opened by her mother. All children know there and her because she reads book for them everyday. Hand-made and colourful books which attract children are sold there. However, this famous store is in danger of closing because of Joe Fox. Big and extensive bookstore is built by Joe Fox nearly Kathleen's store, just ' around the corner' but she ignores all of them ans is confident that her store's service will prevent this from damaging her business.

Meanwhile, Kathleen meets a man, who is Joe but it is a mystery, on the internet. She does not want Frank who is her boyfriend to know that she is exchanging e-mails with Joe and he is also does not. They speak everything except their special life. They only know each other by their nicks 'Shopgirl' and 'NY152'.
One day, they decide to date up and both of them are excited for dating. While Kathleen is sitting in cafe where they will date up, Joe comes and is shocked when he sees her. Joe goes to near her without being noticed who he is chatting with her. Kathleen wants him to leave near her because she said that she was waiting a man who met on the internet. She is waiting, waiting but he does not come. After then, she goes to home and checks her mail but unfortunately no mail from NY152.

Changes in the characters' lives quickly follow. Kathleen decides to close her store because a lot of people go and buy books from Joe's bookstore. Kathleen and her boyfriend break up. Joe is thinking of Kathleen constantly and Kathleen is also thinking him. Wil they reach happy end? Will their love able to bring them together? Just watch=)
5 Nisan 2010 Pazartesi
Sweet November

Nelson works for an advertising company and he is dedicated. One day, he meets Sara while taking a driving test. Nelson does not answer a question so he asks her. While asking, the observer sees Sara and wants to that she gives her paper to him so she misses out on taking the test. All events start after this.
Sara wants him to live just a month. Meanwhile, actually, Nelson is fired from his work so he thinks that he can live her. Sara is very different from the other women in his life. They have a great time in November and they fall in love each other unexpectedly but their life is changed by something: she is very ill.

Sara does not want to that Nelson knows this but one day she gets worse and Nelson takes away her to a hospital. She does not stay there and just wants to go home because she thinks that staying in the hospital does not change anything and will die. Although she loves him, after this illness, she does not want to that he lives her. She wants to break up but Nelson does not follow up her.

How will the events end up? Happy ending or not? Just watch it and see!!!
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