Kathleen Kelly own a little and small bookstore ''The Shop Around the Corner'' , which is opened by her mother. All children know there and her because she reads book for them everyday. Hand-made and colourful books which attract children are sold there. However, this famous store is in danger of closing because of Joe Fox. Big and extensive bookstore is built by Joe Fox nearly Kathleen's store, just ' around the corner' but she ignores all of them ans is confident that her store's service will prevent this from damaging her business.

Meanwhile, Kathleen meets a man, who is Joe but it is a mystery, on the internet. She does not want Frank who is her boyfriend to know that she is exchanging e-mails with Joe and he is also does not. They speak everything except their special life. They only know each other by their nicks 'Shopgirl' and 'NY152'.
One day, they decide to date up and both of them are excited for dating. While Kathleen is sitting in cafe where they will date up, Joe comes and is shocked when he sees her. Joe goes to near her without being noticed who he is chatting with her. Kathleen wants him to leave near her because she said that she was waiting a man who met on the internet. She is waiting, waiting but he does not come. After then, she goes to home and checks her mail but unfortunately no mail from NY152.

Changes in the characters' lives quickly follow. Kathleen decides to close her store because a lot of people go and buy books from Joe's bookstore. Kathleen and her boyfriend break up. Joe is thinking of Kathleen constantly and Kathleen is also thinking him. Wil they reach happy end? Will their love able to bring them together? Just watch=)
this is my all time favourite movieee :))))
YanıtlaSilI love romatce movies. this movie has a splesial place in my heart.
I forgot how many times I'Ve watched this.. maybe at least 10 times...
thanks for the review :)
you have made my day!!