This film is the story of the Bennet family in Georgian England around 1800. There is a class discrimination. Unfortunately Bennet family is not from the upper class. If Mr.
Bennet dies, their house will be inherited by Bennet girls' cousin -Mr. Collins-. Mrs. Bennet raises her five daughter with the aim of getting married with a rich husband so their family will be also richer than now. Therefore, Mrs. Bennet wants Elizabeth to get married with Mr. Collins. He proposes to Elizabeth but she rejects the proposal. Mrs Bennet is horrified that her daughter gums up the works her plans to be rich. However, Mr Bennet sides with Elizabeth.

Charles Bingley moves into near Bennet's estate and he causes great interest among the Bennets. He is wealthy and gentleman from London. Bennets think that he and his friedns are an opportunity for them. The oldest of daughters -Jane- likes Mr Bingley and Elizabeth is sure that Mr Bingley is also in love with Jane.

Later, Bingley prepares a ball to meet everyone who lives in there. At the public ball, party entire with dancing. While boy-crazy teenagers -Kitty and Lydia- dance with gentlemens, Jane and Elizabeth observe the dance. Elizabeth thinks that noone is attracted, noone catches her eye. However, Jane disagrees her. Suddenly, Elizabeth sees Mr. Darcy and likes very much him. Mr Darcy is Mr Bingley's the best friend and he is extremely wealthy. On the other hand, Mr Darcy does not expre
ss himself well and creates a bad impression on people and Elizabeth also. However, Mr Darcy also likes Elizabeth but he does not reveal his love.

One day, Mr Darcy takes away Mr Bingley to London because he thinks taht Jane is being together with Mr Bingley for only his wealth. On this event, Jane feels sory for going far of Mr Bingley. Elizabeth deems Mr Darcy responsible for this event and she judge him. After a while, whole truths are emerged and Elizabeth faces facts. What are the facts? Why does Elizabeth forgive him, her love? Will Jane and Mr Bingley be together again?
This film was nominated for 4 Oscars and 35 nominations. It won 10 award.
I think that it is very immortal love story. I feel that I live in their time and I want to stay there. Love which is a fantastic sensation was commented. When I was watching, I was filled with admiration. Pride and Prejudice is absolutely watched=)